What We Do


The Barbara Parker Foundation provides Housing for Veterans, the medically disabled, housing to victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault and promotes drowning prevention/awareness through various programs.

Our goal is to assist individuals in achieving personal accomplishments and to be valued members of the community, while at the same time; we assist them with overcoming and coping.


From The Founding Members

 In 2013 our board members established The Barbara Parker Foundation in memory of their beloved family members, Barbara Langdon Ganley and Parker Lee Eaton. We are a non-profit dedicated to promoting drowning prevention & awareness, and providing the highest level of assistance possible to victims of domestic violence or sexual assault.

In memory of Barbara who was an amazing mother, grandmother, and a devoted Christian; during her 71 years she was committed to helping others through the church and numerous outreach programs.

In memory of Parker who was with us for just a mere two years, he still managed to help others and save lives through organ donation.

The foundation would like to follow in their footsteps by giving others the chance to be in a safe home environment while sill providing them the love and assistance they need to get the most out of life.